controversial Nobles Crus wine fund was suspended by the Luxembourg
financial authorities on 28th May 2013. Here is an update on the latest
developments that suggests that the larger fund shareholders, who
effectively pulled the plug on the fund, have been given preferential
treatment to the possible detriment of the smaller investors. It appears that they may have been allowed to cherrypick the wines taken as settlement in kind.
I am indebted to the research and assistance of Jean Walravens, who has long raised pertinent questions about the management of the Nobles Crus fund.
On 1st June 2014 the Financial Times published an article: Luxembourg embroiled in fine wine row. The article covered this transaction and the subsequent complaints made by Albert Biebuyck, managing partner at Investor Protection Europe to Luxembourg’s Ministry of Finance, the CSSF and other European regulatory bodies. Biebuyck claimed 'it was the latest
example of “lax and selective” regulation in Luxembourg, the biggest
centre for funds in Europe and the second biggest in the world.
Letter from Elite Partners to investors: April 2014
For investors only
Luxembourg, 14 April 2014
Dear investor,
In our capacity as General Partner of Elite's Exclusive Collection SCA, SICAV-FIS, we would like to inform you of the following transaction which has been made for
the account Elite's Exclusive Collection- Nobles Crus ("Nobles
Crus") on 28 March 2014.
As you are aware, we faced during the first
quarter 2013 some redemption requests for an aggregate amount of approximately EUR 37.7 million. In particular,
large institutional shareholders related to the same
group (together the "Redeeming Shareholders") submitted redemption
requests totaling approximately 70% of all
pending redemption requests as of 31December 2013. Liquidity reserves were insufficient to enable us to honor thredeeming
shares and pay out the Redeeming
Shareholders. Therefore, we accepted 10% of the redemption requests as of 31March
2013 NAV and postponed the acceptance of
the remaining 90% in accordance with section
5.4 of Annex 1 of the issuing document.
The Redeeming
Shareholders proposed us to allow the
of its shares
and claims toward
Nobles Crus to a third party (the "Third Party") in the context of a private transaction between the Redeeming Shareholders and the Third Party. The Third Party accepted to take over the shares and claims from the Redeeming Shareholders under the condition that it would be reimbursed in kind.
Last paragraph of section 11 of part A and section 5.5 of annex 1of part B of the issuing document allows reimbursement in kind, provided that it is determined
on a fair and reasonable
basis and complies with the
following conditions:
are selected upon the
recommendation of Vino &
Finanza Sri (the "Investment Manager") to ensure that
the structure and the level
of diversification of the remaining
portfolio will not be disturbed by the reimbursement in kind;
Deloitte Sari (the "Auditor") must release a special report on possible findings in relation to the proposed reimbursement in kind (the "Special
Report"); and
Costs of the reimbursement in kind must be borne
by the requesting party (i.e., in the matter at hand the Third Party once it has
acquired the shares and the claims from the Redeeming Shareholders).
It is to be noted that the Redeeming Shareholders were not allowed by their own rules of governance to directly hold wine.
Reimbursement in kind was therefore not an option for the Redeeming Shareholders.
After we completed the identification process of the
Third Party to assess its repute and eligibility
as a possible shareholder of Nobles Crus,
we entered into a negotiation during several months on the selection of bottles to be part of the reimbursement in kind
(the "Bottles"). The Investment Manager was actively involved in this negotiation.
The price retained for the Bottles
to be transferred was the value retained
in the accounting of Nobles Crus for the calculation of the net asset
value of 31 December 2013.
We obviously informed the Commission de Surveillance
du Secteur Financier (CSSF) on the terms and conditions of the contemplated transaction.
The Auditor delivered the CSSF and us the Special Report on 25 March 2014. As
the price for the
transaction was based on the net asset value of 31 December 2013 (and
not on a privately agreed price different
from that net asset value), no significant point was
raised in the Special Report.
This transaction is in the best interest of Nobles Crus. It enables Nobles Crus without
a discount on the value of the Bottles to reimburse a large part of the pending redemption
requests. This is a major step in restoring the liquidity of Nobles Crus
and a confirmation that we did not overvalue the portfolio of Nobles Crus as pretended by
some unfounded press releases in 2012.
Therefore we approved the transfer of the shares
and the claims from the Redeeming Shareholders
to the Third Party and the reimbursement in kind from the
Third Party with effect as of the 28th of March 2014.
The remaining portfolio of Nobles Crus as of
today is approx. EUR 50.8 million. It has a similar level of diversification in comparison to the portfolio before 31 December
2013 and respects the diversification
defined in the issuing
document. The portion of Burgundy (35% vs. 48%)
respectively Bordeaux (63% vs. 50%) remains
constant. Wine en primeurs increased from 3.5% to 6% of the total portfolio. The average
Parker rating is slightly higher (96.97%
vs. 96.71%). We remain at your entire disposition if you would like to receive further information on the current
composition of the portfolio of Nobles Crus.
We also remind you that we are open for negotiation if you would like to investigate the possibility of a reimbursement
in kind. We draw however your attention
to the fact that such reimbursement in kind must strictly follow
the requirements under the issuing document and we are entitled to refuse it if
we have doubt that the transaction could
potentially have an adverse impact on the
In addition to the above mentioned transaction, we inform you that we are currently in negotiation with some counterparties to directly acquire wine from Nobles Crus enabling to entirely restore the liquidity of Nobles Crus.
We hope that
we will soon
be in a position to request the CSSF
to levy
the suspension on the redemption and to proceed to the reimbursement
of the pending requests.
Yours sincerely,
Jean Walravens comments:
I think that, considering the following facts, we can
conclude, without a doubt, that small shareholders are harmed in this
On the one hand, the bottles that were
given to major shareholders are not at all representative of the entire stock.
According to Elite Partners, the proportion of Burgundy in its stock fell to
35% from 48 % and the proportion of Bordeaux increased from 50 % to 63 %. We
can therefore calculate that the major shareholders received bottles with a
proportion of 70% Burgundy / 28 % Bordeaux.
Nobles Crus price estimates
for Burgundy were much less overvalued than price estimates for Bordeaux.
Based on the comparison between the prices (August 31, 2012) provided by Elite Advisers and Liv-Ex for a representative sample, Nobles
Crus estimates exceeded those of Liv-Ex by 39.02% for Bordeaux and
by 20.72% for Burgundy. It is likely that this difference has increased,
as valuations of Nobles Crus appear not to have changed much while
Bordeaux prices went down and Burgundy prices rose. Mainly taking Burgundy,
large shareholders have got a good deal at the expense of small shareholders.
On the other hand Elite
Partners said: "We entered into a negotiation during several
months on the selection of bottles to be part of the reimbursement in kind (the
Bottles)." Large shareholders have therefore participated in the selection
of bottles. Obviously they will have refused any suspicious bottles. However, with
the Nobles Crus purchase methods (purchases from individuals,
restaurants, etc ...), there may well be a significant number of 'bad'
bottles in stock.
The shareholder who completed the
transaction is undoubtedly Banca Generali. Not only did they place
Nobles Crus shares in their clients' portfolios but they had
previously acquired a very large number of parts for nine sub-funds of their Luxembourg SICAV BG Selection Sicav.
The Nobles Crus shares were
acquired by funds that were not supposed to make such investments: China
and India Equities, etc. (also including Latin America Equities – Jim).
In its accounts of 31/12/2013, BG
Selection Sicav already accounts for a fixed loss of 15% (haircut)
on their Nobles Crus shares compared to the Net Asset Value published by Nobles Crus.'
It is interesting to note that the Generali Fund Management offices are located in the same building
as the Elite Advisers offices.
Transaction in January 2014 or 28th March 2014?
January 2014: funds under management €52,489,449
The January 2014 Nobles Crus' newsletter shows that the funds under management was €52,489,449. In March 2013 the fund stood at €91 million. This suggests that the completion of the transaction to the larger shareholders may well have been earlier than 28th March 2014 stated by Elite Partners in their 14th April 2014 letter to investors.
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