Awards and citations:

1997: Le Prix du Champagne Lanson Noble Cuvée Award for investigations into Champagne for the Millennium investment scams

2001: Le Prix Champagne Lanson Ivory Award for

2011: Vindic d'Or MMXI – 'Meilleur blog anti-1855'

2011: Robert M. Parker, Jnr: ‘This blogger...’:

2012: Born Digital Wine Awards: No Pay No Jay – best investigative wine story

2012: International Wine Challenge – Personality of the Year Award

Thursday 5 March 2020

Epeigné-les-Bois – Les élections municipales 2020: two lists of candidates

Le Mairie d'Epeigné-les-Bois 

The 2020 French municipal elections will be held on Sunday 15th March and Sunday 22nd March when a new set of maires and their conseil municipales will be elected. 

There are two lists of candidates for Epeigné-les-Bois' 11 places on the conseil municipale. The number of places on the conseil depends upon the population of the commune. Epeigné (population 436) has 11 because it comes into the 100-499 inhabitants category. Rules regarding the conseils and the elections are different for communes with less than 1000 inhabitants and those with more than 1000. 

Épeigné-les-Bois 37150
Résultats aux municipales 2020
: consultez l’intégralité des listes, des candidats, les résultats du scrutin et les données-clés de la commune.
  • Maire sortant : Christian PERCEVAULT
  • Population : 436 habitants
  • Circonscription : 2e d’Indre-et-Loire
  • Intercommunalité : CC de Bléré Val de Cher
Listes des candidats

Jean-Marie THIREAU



Michèle PRIEUR



Daniel LAUMONNIER (Maire-Adjoint)





Viviane FÈVE

Claire DUPRÉ




Amélie BORGNIET (Conseiller)


Francis BENOIT

Yellow: Dominique, Michèle and Jean's list
Green: Amélie's list

Amélie and Daniel are on the present council.


From La Nouvelle République - the announcement of the two lists of candidates:


Extract from the rules published by the French Ministry of the Interior:

'Les suffrages sont décomptés individuellement par candidat, y compris en cas de candidature groupée, c’est-à-dire lorsque plusieurs candidats ont manifesté leur volonté de présenter leur candidature ensemble sur un même bulletin de vote.

Pour être élu au premier tour de scrutin, le candidat doit recueillir la majorité absolue des suffrages exprimés et un nombre de suffrages au moins égal au quart de celui des électeurs inscrits sur les listes électorales. S’il est nécessaire de procéder à un second tour de scrutin, la majorité relative suffit, quel que soit le nombre de votants. En cas d’égalité de suffrages, le plus âgé des candidats est élu (art. L. 253).'

(Translation: The votes are counted individually by candidate, including in the case of a group candidacy, that is to say when several candidates have expressed their desire to present their candidacy together on the same ballot.

To be elected on the first ballot, the candidate must obtain the absolute majority 
of the votes cast and a number of votes at least equal to a quarter of that of the 
voters registered on the electoral lists. If it is necessary to conduct a second ballot, 
the relative majority suffices, regardless of the number of voters. 
In the event of a tie, the oldest candidate is elected (art. L. 253).)

Thus if there are two or more lists of allied candidates it is possible that the final result may see a mix of candidates elected from the various lists. Equally it is possible that all of the candidates on a particular list will be successful and none from the other lists.   

The full guide from the French Ministry of the Interior to these municipal elections can be downloaded here.


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