Sign at the 2009 presentation on top of the Gherkin, Central London
Details of and entry forms for the 2010 edition of the
Louis Roederer International* Wine Writers Awards are now available on-line. This is a welcome first for the awards as last year entries, even for websites and blogs, had to be printed out and posted in. This year details of entries for various categories can be sent in electronically. For instance in Category Six: International Wine Website of the Year (websites, online articles and blogs) just the URLs are required. Look out for the claim that these awards, like the New Year's Day firework display at Sydney Harbour, are carbon neutral!
Winners of the 2009 Louis Roederer International Wine Writers AwardsI hope many bloggers will be entering as it would be good to see some of the exciting bloggers present at the European Wine Bloggers Conference in Lisbon on this year's shortlist.
Charles Metcalfe: I am your leader... On this year's panel of judges are Susy Atkins, Tom Stevenson, Tim Atkin MW (2010 will thus be one of the few years that Tim hasn't won a Roederer/Lanson Award), Victoria Moore and Christine Parkinson (group wine buyer for Hakkassan Restaurants). The panel will be led by Charles Metcalfe.
Report on the 2009 awards
* Once again these International Awards are open only to entries in English. This will doubtless again, not unreasonably perhaps, enrage FIJEV (Féderation Internationale des Journalistes et Ecrivains des Vins et Spiriteux).
See here.
It would be interesting to have at least a bi-lingual international wine writing competition. Assuming, for the moment at least, that we can count English as the international business language, what would be the second language? French? Spanish? Chinese? If one went for more than two languages I suspect it would be difficult to find judges competent in three languages who also had sufficent wine knowledge.
The chair of judges as Botrytis
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