Awards and citations:

1997: Le Prix du Champagne Lanson Noble Cuvée Award for investigations into Champagne for the Millennium investment scams

2001: Le Prix Champagne Lanson Ivory Award for

2011: Vindic d'Or MMXI – 'Meilleur blog anti-1855'

2011: Robert M. Parker, Jnr: ‘This blogger...’:

2012: Born Digital Wine Awards: No Pay No Jay – best investigative wine story

2012: International Wine Challenge – Personality of the Year Award

Showing posts with label Cour-Cheverny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cour-Cheverny. Show all posts

Friday, 2 August 2013

Highland Loires

 Glen Tromie looking towards Gaick

Glen Tromie looking northwards

Although we are spending the summer in the Highlands of Scotland, we are still enjoying some good Loire bottles that we brought up from London with us. We are getting in plenty of cycling, which naturally is provoking a considerable thirst!

2007 Excelsior, Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine, Pierre Luneau-Papin (above and below)

First up 2007 Excelsior Domaine Pierre Luneau Papin Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine

This long aged Muscadet – 30 months on its lees – is brilliantly clean, fresh with lovely length of flavor but good weight, too, which comes from its long aging. Works well as an apéritif but was even better with some simply fried and very fresh filets of sea bass. Although not yet officially one of the new Muscadet Crus Communaux this is very much in that style with the finesse and additional complexity that is a hallmark of these wines.  Comes from vines planted on the schists of Goulaine.

 Terra Laura, Crémant de Loire 

2009 Cuvée Claude de France, Domaine de Montcy(above and below)



Crémant de Loire Terra Laura

2009 Cuvée Claude de France, Cour-Cheverny, Domaine de Montcy
Businesswoman Laura Semeria took over the 20-hectare now organic Domaine de Montcy in 2007. In the appellations of Cheverny and Cour-Cheverny it lies to the south-west of the Château and town of Chverny. Unfortunately Laura has been hit by Spring frosts in both 2012 and 2013.

The Crémant is 100% Chardonnay in a very clean, vibrant, lemony style making a good wake up aperitif.  The 2009 Cuvée Claude de France is naturally 100% Romorantin in a delicate moelleux style. Lightly sweet it is best paired with blue cheese or creamy dishes. Laura recommends it with a rhubarb or cherry tart – anything sweeter would overpower it.

Ideally I would have cellared the Claude de France for at least another couple of years to gain additional complexity. 

Laura Semeria in London May 2012  

 2010 Les Blancs Manteaux, Chinon, Domaine de la Noblaie

2010 Les Blancs Manteaux, Chinon, Domaine de la Noblaie
Jérôme Billard is one of the most promising of the younger generation of Chinon producers. After working at Pétrus and then Dominus in Napa as well as a spell in New Zealand, he returned to the family estate in 2003. Noblaie now has 24 hectares of vines and last year Jérôme invested in a new winery – previously they worked in very cramped conditions.

Les Blancs Manteaux comes from 60 year-old vines planted on a limestone slope. Ideally the 2010 should be squirreled away for at least another two years to fulfill its potential. However, this dark wine currently has deliciously soft black fruit, supple tannins.  

The new winery@Noblaie    

This post was originally published on Les 5 du Vin (30th July 2013).


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Laura Semeria: Domaine de Montcy (Cheverny/Cour-Cheverny)

Domaine sign

Yesterday afternoon we visited Laura Semeria at her Domaine de Montcy in the AC of Cheverny/Cour-Cheverny. Here are a selection of photos with more text to follow later.  

The winery surrounded by Pinot Noir

 80-year Romorantin (above and below)

Hopefully they will be frost-free this year

 Equally old Sauvignon Blanc (above and below)

Buds still tight shut – a Romorantin

Laura Semeria with signs for her tourist walk through the vineyards (above and below)

 Château de Troussay (above and below)
The nearby château which provided  Laura with some of her vineyard 

 Sign for Château de Troussay

 The area in Cour-Cheverny (pink – ten communes)
Yellow – Cheverny 

Olive oil from Laura's family olive groves in northern Italy

Sunday's Cheverny marathon will pass through the Montcy winery

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Real Wine Fair: some photos + new Cour-Cheverny producer

Laura Semeria, Château de Montcy, Cheverny with her 2008 Cour-Cheverny

This was the first time I had met Laura Semeria (Terra Laura) and tasted her wines. I was impressed by the precision of her 2008 Cour-Cheverny with attractive citric and peach flavours and a good backbone of acidity. Enjoyable now but very likely to develop further complexity with more bottle age. Laura's wines are imported into the UK by François Domange's Vinothentique.   

Laura with the 2009 Rouge Plentitude, Cheverny and 2008 Cour-Cheverny   
  Father Gerasim, Alaverdi Monastery, Kakheti, Georgia 
with the 2011 Rosé Rkatsiteli

 Christian Chaussard, Domaine le Briseau: Jasnières and Coteaux du Loir 
Below: Natalie Gaubichet, Domaine le Briseau

Natalie Gaubichet and Christian Chaussard's 2010 Kharakter, Jasnières is currently showing well. Imported into UK by Les Caves de Pyrène.  

 Fine shirted Olivier Cousin 

Olivier Cousin told me that his trial date for the allegedly fraudulent use of Anjou on his labels using the designation Vin de France keeps being put back. Olivier asserts that as his vines are planted in Anjou and that as his farming practices are designed to fully reflect their terroir he has the right to use Anjou on his labels. Are the French authorities having second thoughts over the wisdom of pursuing this case, I wonder?   

 Luc Sébille (Chinon): clearly a man, who is enthusuastic about his wines!

 Thierry Puzelat tells a paparazzi to push off!

Brett Jones: "Wink, I don't think you should have done THAT in public!!" 

Monday, 7 May 2012

Philippe Tessier@Le Petit Pressigny with Xavier Fortin: 21st May

Philippe Tessier 

Xavier Fortin's next tasting@Plein Ciel, Le Petit Pressigny will feature Philiippe Tessier from Cheverny/Cour-Cheverny. Unfortunately Philippe was hit by this April's frost, so his 2012s are likely to ber in short supply. As one would expect Xavier advises stocking up on his 2011s and 2010s.  


'Bonjour à tous,
A la demande générale, Philippe Tessier revient au Petit Pressigny. Alors faites un peu de place dans votre cave. Nous n’aurons peut-être pas le plaisir de le retrouver sur un millésime 2012 car le gel courant avril 2012 a anéanti une partie de son vignoble.

Je vous propose donc de venir déguster les Cheverny 2010 et 2011 le Lundi 21 mai 2012 à partir de 17 heures.

Majorité de sauvignon et tout sur le fruit. Ce vin vous régalera sur vos plats de poissons grillés et crustacés : 6.90 Euros TTC la Bouteille.

Pur Romorantin avec du gras et de la puissance. Riche avec une acidité tout en élégance. Que ce soit avec une viande blanche ou un poisson en sauce, il sera au rendez-vous.  9.00 Euros TTC la Bouteille

Gamay et pinot noir, gourmand sec et fruité. A servir à l’apéritif ou des crudités dés que l’été sera arrivé.  6.90 Euros TTC la Bouteille.

Majorité de gamay avec un peu de pinot noir et un touche de cot . 11,8° d’alcool et du fruit plein la bouche. Il attend nos barbecues. 6.90 Euros TTC la Bouteille.

75 % de pinot noir avec gamay et cot, il est léger, gourmand tout en finesse.  A déguster un peu frais avec des viandes blanches rôties ou des brochettes. 9.20 Euros TTC la Bouteille.

Pur gamay avec une belle concentration. Riche et puissant à réserver pour vos viandes rouge grillées. 11.20 Euros TTC la Bouteille.

La cave où aura lieu la dégustation sera fléchée à partir de la Boucherie du Petit Pressigny, elle se trouve à environ 200 Mètres du Restaurant. Si toutefois vous êtes dans l’impossibilité de venir goûter lors de notre dégustation vous avez la possibilité de me faire parvenir votre commande accompagnée de votre chèque à l’ordre de Mr Philippe TESSIER, avant le 19 Mai 2012 à mon adresse :
« Plein Ciel « 6, Chemin des Coteaux
37350 le Petit Pressigny

Amicalement,  Xavier Fortin.

PS : J’ai la possibilité de stocker vos vins jusqu’ ’à une prochaine rencontre.'  

           Xavier Fortin

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Xavier Fortin (La Cave du Petit Pressigny): Philippe Tessier 18th April

Philippe Tessier in his cellar

After flirting with a few vins d'étrangers last month – featuring a couple of Burgundian producers – Xavier returns to his roots with Philippe Tessier, an organic producer of Cherverny/Cour-Cheverny).

Xavier Fortin
Plein Ciel
6 Chemin des Coteaux
37350 Le Petit Pressigny

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Maison des Vins@Cheverny

Château de Cheverny

The Syndicat des Vignerons of Cheverny and Cour-Cheverny opened their Maison des Vins in mid-September. There are a 100 wines offered for tasting – all kept under nitrogen. It is also possible to buy wine there at the same price as it is sold at the individual domaines. The Maison is just by the entrance to the château.

I haven’t managed a visit yet but am told by a very reliable source that the new Maison is very well done and decidedly worth visiting.

Here is part of a report on the opening from

'La Maison des vins de l’AOC Cheverny et Cour-Cheverny, créée par l’ensemble des vignerons de l’appellation vient d'ouvrir ses portes.

Placée stratégiquement à l’entrée du Château de Cheverny, elle met au programme 100 vins à déguster, des conseils sur le choix des vins, des animations “vins du jour” et “vin découverte”, et un type de dégustation unique en France, la dégustation automatisée de l’ensemble des vins.

The new Maison des Vins
Photo:© Thierry Merlet

L’espace dédié à la dégustation a mis en place 2 systèmes de dégustation:

- Les 'vins du jour'

L’idée est de mettre l’accent sur 4 vins: un blanc, un rouge, un rosé en Cheverny et un Cour-Cheverny blanc (cépage Romorantin). Le visiteur peut bénéficier d’une dégustation gratuite et des prix à l’unité identiques à celux de la propriété.

- Les "vins découvertes"

Ce système a pour objectif de présenter, à une clientèle plus professionnelle, un échantillonnage représentatif des deux AOC. 100 vins seront proposés à la dégustation en libre-service - via les becs à vins - dans des conditions optimums.

Cette offre permet aux visiteurs de déguster, chacun à son rythme, et de s’informer via les fiches explicatives.'

Here is the full report.

Maison des Vins Cheverny et Cour-Cheverny
Syndicat de l'AOC Cheverny et Cour-Cheverny
1 Avenue du Château, 41700 Cheverny

Opening hours: 11-19