From André Deyrieux's Facebook page his report on today's meeting about saving the collection of 7000 different grape varieties at the Domaine de Vassal:
'Salle comble, plus de deux heures de
Isolé sur ses positions, JP Géné,
manifestement dépassé par les enjeux de l'affaire.
Bravo aux participants qui n'ont pas manqué de clarté ni d'arguments.
Quelques révélations, notamment sur le fait que l'INRA ne paye pas ses loyers
depuis un an, et sur la proposition de PF Vranken d'examiner l'avenir autour
d'une table.
Le plus important est la demande de fond : maintenir le conservatoire à Vassal,
et en tout cas ne pas accepter le déménagement sur un site inadéquat et sans
les conditions d'une réussite totale.
La pétition est bien sûr toujours en ligne :
Nous avons dépassé les 3800 signatures.'
(Maintenant 3858 – Jim)
Jim's loose translation of the above:
'The meeting was packed out and it lasted
for more than two hours.
JP Géné’s position was isolated and he is
obviously overwhelmed by this affair.
Well done to the participants in the debate
for the clarity of their arguments.
Several revelations: the INRA has not paid
rent on the Domaine de Vassal for the last year. PF Vranken is prepared to talk
about the future of the Domaine de Vassal. (See below)
It was agreed that the most important aim
is to preserve Domain de Vassal’s collection of grape varieties and not to
accept this collection being moved to another site unless it was entirely
satisfactory and fit for the purpose.
Vranken-Pommery's Green Book
Biodiversity – at the heart of our activities
Extract (below) about the Domaine de Vassal from Vranken-Pommery’s Green
Book (rapport de dévelopment durable). French version of the Green Book here.
Vranken-Pommery own Listel, of which the Domaine de Vassal is a small part. You would think that
Vranken-Pommery has a great deal of kudos to gain by helping to find a solution to what
should happen to the Domaine de Vassal and its unique collection. Hopefully they will be part of the solution.
‘Biodiversity – At the heart of our activities:
The largest collection of wine varietals
in the world
Since 1949, Domaines Listel has hosted an
experimental research centre managed by INRA (French National Institute for
Agricultural Research), whose mission is to preserve, gain better knowledge of
and promote vine biodiversity. This centre is called Domaine Vassal. It covers over
27 hectares and is home to INRA's national and international collection of
vines. The sandy soil is a true health sanctuary where neither phylloxera nor
virus vector nematodes exist. In addition, the climate is ideal for the healthy
development of all varietals.
This collection has been progressively
added to through donations, exchanges and prospects in France and abroad. At
present it constitutes a unique resource worldwide. It consists of more than
7,000 "clones" from 40 different countries, wild vines, cultivated vines
or vines of newly created varietals.
Such a collection is important for a range
of reasons:
• The many varietals conserved come from
very diverse regions and countries; some are no longer cultivated in vineyards
and constitute a magnificent cultural and historical heritage. Current genetic
erosion therefore makes this type of conservation centre necessary; today it
would no longer be possible to reconstitute such a collection. Older source vineyards
that used to produce the grape varietals have in fact disappeared in France and
• It is also a source of vital genes for
varietal improvement. Some of these genes might be essential in the future in
order to cope with vineyard diseases, the changes in tastes of consumers or even
future climate change. INRA currently uses several useful genes in this way in
its improvement programmes.
• This central collection helps to
reconstitute or complete other collections in France and abroad, or to
establish experimental vineyards. It has led to the creation of a number of
clones and also to the cultural renewal of old grape varietals.
To achieve this, Domaine Vassal dispatches
several hundred varieties each year in response to requests from researchers,
scientists, technicians or other professionals. Domaine Vassal also has an
exceptional document base. It is regularly asked to provide information on vine
varieties. This collection is a magnificent genetic tool for improving the
cultivation of vines worldwide.
Domaine Vassal's collection of vines is
therefore remarkable on many fronts, including in terms of its historical
experience, its size and the quality of the analysis of its plant material.'
Good to see Vranken-Pommery's eloquent and concise explanation of the importance of the Domaine de Vassal and its unique collection.
See news story (29.11.13) on
The story confirms that there are plans to move the collection:
The crucial question is whether the INRA site at Peche Rouge is phylloxera free? The INRA site says it is part of La Clape, so it looks as though the collection of vines would not be planted in phylloxera-free ground.