Awards and citations:

1997: Le Prix du Champagne Lanson Noble Cuvée Award for investigations into Champagne for the Millennium investment scams

2001: Le Prix Champagne Lanson Ivory Award for

2011: Vindic d'Or MMXI – 'Meilleur blog anti-1855'

2011: Robert M. Parker, Jnr: ‘This blogger...’:

2012: Born Digital Wine Awards: No Pay No Jay – best investigative wine story

2012: International Wine Challenge – Personality of the Year Award

Showing posts with label Caroline Henry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caroline Henry. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Update on Caroline Henry's Terroir Champagne fund raising

Caroline Henry: the end is in sight!

Fundraising for Caroline Henry's proposed book on small grower, organic Champagne is, due to 150 generous contributors, just over €1500 off its target of €10,000. The total is currently €8455* (85%) with eight days left to get the remainder!   

Message from Caroline:

Dear all, 

Another short update before I leave Switzerland to go back to Champagne.

I cannot thank you enough for the continuing support - all your shares and positive comments are paying off as we are now at just about 83% with 7.5 days to go!!!

A few more articles on this campaign have appeared - Erica Landin's Swedish post translated in a few more Swedish book sales, and Koen Meuwis posted a call to action in a Belgian wine forum!

Yesterday's Salon du Champagne consumer tasting proved once again that the consumer cares about more natural Champagne - in fact they are very hungry to learn more about this specific type of Champagne. Quite a few people stayed a very long time at my table, asked many questions and came back with friends to show them the alternatives to the big brands. A few people also asked for the link to contribute. The first of these donations came in late yesterday afternoon and I more will come later today!! 

To me this proves this campaign is not about me, but about the consumer and the producer. The consumer is actively looking for a more environmentally friendly, natural and healthier Champagne but he needs a little guiding hand to find his way there. Ultimately this is why I am writing this book!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!


* Now €8520 – under €1500 to go. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Caroline Henry: Terroir Champagne 12 days left to hit €10,000

Caroline@work in Chianti 2011

Caroline Henry's campaign to raise funds for her Terroir Champagne book was launched on 20th October. Now nearly a month later she has raised €6390 (64%) of her target €10,000. But time is running out there are now just 12 days to push this total over the line. 

Mick Rock, one of the world's finest wine photographers, will be helping Caroline with her book. Read her blog here 

Please support Terroir Champagne! 

'Here's an update for you from the ‘TERROIR CHAMPAGNE - THE BOOK’ team:

Dear supporters, 

Thank you again for your belief in my project!! The last week seen a few articles appearing talking about my project - mainly in the french press. Sales however are only creeping up slowly. A lot of people have told me they will support the campaign but I think they do not realize the urgency.

I am trying to make them understand by sending more email messages out and have also been pushing my campaign by more intense sharing on social networks. The more people see and hear about this project the faster we can meet the target!!

And it is here that you can help me as well. I know quite a few of you have already shared the link to this campaign extensively, but if you can think of any groups you belong to on Facebook, Google +, Snooth,Cellartracker or Linkedin interested in Champagne and or more natural wine, I would appreciate it enormously if you could share my link again.

If you prefer to send a short message to Champagne loving friend or family, please email me on, and I can send you the message I use when I email my contacts.

Thank you so very much for your help!!! I really really appreciate it!! And I know that together we can get this project over the line!!

Have a lovely day!!


Shoes for Chiantishire!
Update: 20th November – 10 days to go
Good news as Caroline's fundraising has moved on: reaching €7280, which is 73% of the required total. If you haven't sponsored Caroline's new project please do so!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Swiss wine hosts CWW 2013 Christmas Party (2nd batch)

Busy scenes (above and below) at the height of the Circle of Wine Writers 2013 Christmas party at the Swiss Ambassador's residence on Monday night (2nd December). Previous 2013 party posts here and here

The following producers showed their wines:

Domaine Blaise Duboux, Lavaux, Vaud 
Pierre-Luc Leyvraz, Lavaux, Vaud
Cave Cidis, La Côte, Vaud
Provins Valais, Sion, Valais
Jean-René Germanier, Vetroz, Valais 
Domaine Chambleau, 3 Lakes Region
Gantenbein Wine, Swiss German Region
Brivio Vini, Ticino 

 Our host: His Excellency Dominik Furgler
Recently appointed as Swiss Ambassador to the UK 
after four years as Swiss Ambassador to Egypt

Hayam and Dominik Furgler, Gilles Besse and Chandra Kurt

Hayam Furgler
Steven Spurrier: president of the CWW
(above and below)

Janet Wang (shortlisted for 2013 Young Wine Writer of Year) and Andy Henderson

Daniel and Rachel Julia Quevedo (Austrian Glass UK Ltd)

Andrea Warren@work


Allan Cheesman
(Claims he is: 'getting grumpier by the day'!)

Anne Burchett (Sopexa), Allan Cheesman and Anthony Sykes  (The Vintners Company)

Hannah Silverman (Wine Australia): above and below

Chris Mercer:

Clare Benson


Alice Wooledge Salmon and Catherine Manac'h

Anna Barbara Kopp von der Crone (Cantina Kopp von der Crone Visini)

Jean-Pierre Pellegrin (Domaine Grand'Cour)

Komal Patel and Charlotte Selby (Anova Books)

Stylish eats by Mosimann (above and below)

Robert McIntosh (Vrazon)

Robert McIntosh and Caroline Henry

Tie Rack may be closing but they are still colourful in Stevenage!