Concentrating mainly but not exclusively on the Loire's vineyards, its vignerons and their wines along with places to eat and stay. Also covers some recently published wine books – not just from Loire. Regional Chair for Loire @Decanter's World Wine Awards since its inception.
Winner of the 2009 Wine Blog Trophy (journalist category) Salon des Vins de Loire. I have a large and expanding library of photos, particularly from the Loire – places, producers, vineyards etc. European.
Awards and citations:
1997: Le Prix du Champagne Lanson Noble Cuvée Award for investigations into Champagne for the Millennium investment scams
2001: Le Prix Champagne Lanson Ivory Award for
2011: Vindic d'Or MMXI – 'Meilleur blog anti-1855'
2012:Born Digital Wine Awards: No Pay No Jay – best investigative wine story
2012: International Wine Challenge – Personality of the Year Award
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Petition against the Mosel Bridge
Wehlener Sonnenuhr – early morning 10th June 2006
The world famous Mosel vineyards are threatened by the building of a new motorway bridge. Here is an opportunity to add your name to the petition protesting against the construction.
Message from Sarah Washington: 'A small practical task to help save the Mosel valley and Riesling vines from desecration.
The German gourmet magazine DER FEINSCHMECKER has begun an online petition to help save the valley and vines from the politician's bulldozers and concrete.
On the left hand side of the following web page you will find an English translation of the petition and instructions on how to fill it in. The petition is further down in the centre of the same page.
You have until the 1st of December to sign the petition and circulate this link wildly. (After so doing you will accrue undying appreciation from all corners of the planet.)
News in brief:
Building work is moving ahead in several places (digging holes and clearing land). To counter this the debate is finally hotting up here in Germany. On Tuesday 3rd November the story was covered on the highly respected investigative news show Frontal21:,1872,7921069,00.html'
Echoes from the New York Times of an earlier fight to save the vineyards of Vouvray from the TGV. The plan to build a cutting through the vineyards was abandoned. Instead the line was moved a little further east and sent through a tunnel with the tracks laid on a rubber carpet so that bottles of Vouvray being stored above would not be shaken.
Traductions: Français vers Anglais: les sites internets, les brochures etc.
Translations: French into English: websites, booklets etc.
Clients include: Interloire, Domaine Ogereau (Anjou), Jean-François Merieau (Touraine), Clos du Porteau (Touraine), Domaine Chatelain (Pouilly-Fumé) and Domaine Pierre Luneau-Papin (Muscadet), WINES TREE Château de Beaupré (Provence) Contact Jim on
Unless otherwise stated all photos on this site are copyrighted – Jim Budd. They should not be used without authorisation and due credit.
Please contact me on for all use. There will usually be a charge for use in commercial publications – papers, magazines, websites etc. and for other commercial uses.
Photos that are used for commercial use without permission will be charged double – the fee for the use of photo and for breach of copyright.
Commercial organisations asking to use photos for no payment may not always receive a polite response.
Qu’est-ce qui est rouge et phallique?
Je verse l’image ci-dessous au dossier déjà bien lourd de la masculinité
toxique. La mention Red Top (le symbole phallique ne vous aura pas
échappé, accen...
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