As you can imagine destemming took considerably longer than the picking – around an hour and half against a maximum of 45 minutes to pick.

(photos supplied by Mark)
We ended up with 75 litres of Cabernet must with a potential of 12.3%.
A very enjoyable day and the team are keen for a repeat next year. The bottling, at least, will take much longer!'
Child Labour is the only way to go! Those small delicate hands very gentle on those grapes good move.
How much wine did those grapes even make, a barrel?
Weston. The children were, of course, afterwards sent up the chimney with a toothbrush.
75 litres of Cabernet Franc are in the process of being made. 100 bottles – a record vintage!
Thanks again for your help and the great photos. Despite the damp start to the day we all had a great time, and the sun did make an appearance later on. The Cabernet is happily fermenting away as I write this.
Mark. Thanks. It was a pleasure – I enjoyed it.
Good job the UK Thought Police haven't seen the use of children in producing alcohol.
Shhh Anon! Otherwise they'll be around shortly.
hah excellent news on the chimney duty. That needs to be looked after especially since from my understanding no new building in Vancouver at least are allowed Chimney. Just isn't safe, then again we don't have children cleaning them maybe thats the problem
Weston. Looks like you will have to find other ways of exploiting them!
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