A spokesperson for Interloire told Jim’s Loire: “Can you imagine how much wine is poured for professional tastings and then just wasted. Because of the terrible and devastating frost of 7th April the 2008 Muscadet vintage is so small that, following demands from producers in the Pays Nantais, we have had to be innovative and create a special tasting glass just for this year. The bowl will be just 44 mms deep and filled to the maximum will hold only 42 mls compared to 200 mls for an ISO glass.
“Obviously we hope that 2009 will be a normal sized vintage and that we can return to the traditional sized tasting glasses.

and the 'emergency' 2008 tasting glass
“What you see today is just a prototype. The final glass will have Muscadet printed on it – in small type, of course. We think it will be fun to include a fish bone to emphasise how small the vintage is and naturally stress Muscadet’s wonderful affinity to fish."

Interloire expect that the new ‘emergency’ glasses will be launched and first used at the annual Salon des Vins de Loire in Angers from 2nd-4th February 2009 (www.salondesvinsdeloire.com).
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