
Saturday 11 July 2009

Wise words from Yannick Amirault

Yannick in his cave at the top of the coteau

'Profit, à tout prix ?
Politique diabolisant la consommation même modérée du vin, concurrence internationale et uniformisation des cultures….Tout paraît réuni pour enterrer l'avenir du vin.

Au risque de me tromper, je crois qu'il existera toujours une place pour les vins à forte personnalité, reflétant un terroir, mais aussi l'âme et la passion d'un vigneron. Des vins purs et fidèles à ce que veut nous offrir la nature, pour notre plaisir…'

Yannick Amirault (Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil and Bourgueil) is one of my favourite red Loire producers and I was struck this morning by the wise words above on his website:

'Profit at any price?
When even moderate wine drinking is demonised by the politicians, with international competition and the tendency towards uniformity, everything appears to conspire to make wine have no future.

But at the risk of being wrong, I believe there will always exist a market for wines with a strong personality, that reflect their terroir, but also the soul and passion of the vigneron. Pure wines, faithful to what nature gives us, for our pleasure....'

I'm sure that Yannick is right. I have long believed that there is a market, a place for wines, made with passion and commitment, by producers who are close to their vineyards and who strive to produce the very best every year. I'm sure that the Loire is lucky to have more than its fair share of producers who have that ambition.

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