
Friday 10 July 2009

Coteaux de Giennois: Caves Ouvertes (11-12 July) and Grande Dégustation (14 July)

This weekend (11-12 July) 16 producers in the Coteaux de Giennois are holding a caves ouvertes and then to celebrate Bastille Day (the French Revolution of 1789) they are holding a Grande Dégustation in La Place de l'Hotel de Ville in Cosné-sur-Loire. Details and a list of the producers involved can be downloaded from here. Unfortunately the list misses out one producer involved: the Domaine de Fontaine at St Père is also open to visitors on those two days. Tél:


La Maison des Sancerre

The excellent Maison des Sancerre is holding its first exhibition called 1001 bottles, which runs from 30 May to 30 September:

Exposition 1001 Bouteilles

Pour la première fois, la Maison des Sancerre organise une exposition à l’échelle du vignoble. Cette exposition regroupe des céramistes de toute la France autour d’un seul thème : La bouteille. Pendant les quatre mois de la saison estivale, les œuvres d’un ou plusieurs céramistes sont à découvrir au gré des villages sancerrois, chez les vignerons participants. Un dépliant avec une carte recensant les caves et les céramistes est disponible à la MDS et dans les Offices de Tourisme locaux.

Du samedi 30 mai au mercredi 30 septembre
Vignoble de Sancerre
Renseignements à La Maison des Sancerre:


  1. Jim , I have only just found you through an article in the Observer Magazine, 21st June. I need to find an interesting regional wine from the Loire which will impress my wine club - including 2 Masters of Wine. I will be staying near Chatellerault from 17th July.I was planning to find a good St Nicolas du Bourgeuil ? Any ideas on a producer there or any other ideas ? Chris P

  2. Chris. Thanks for your message. There are several to choose from - here are four:

    Frédéric Mabileau (also has Bourgueil);
    Yannick Amirault (also has Bourgueil);
    Joël Taluau and Thierry Foltzenlogel.

    There should be links to all of these under my list of Touraine producers.

    As you are staying near Châtellerault you won't be too far from the excellent La Promenade restaurant in Le Petit Pressigny but you'll need to book.
