
Saturday 7 October 2017 – renewed investigation with a new judge appointed


A rather late news flash:
Unfortunately I missed this most recent development in the long-running saga and am indebted to my fellow Les 5 du Vin colleague, Hervé Lalau, for bringing this report by Jérôme Baudouin in the Revue du Vin de France back in early July 2017 to my attention.

On 6th June 2017 the President of the Chambre d'Instruction de la Cour d'Appel de Paris decided to fire the judge, who had been in charge of the enquiry, and to appoint a new one. The President was not impressed that after nearly two years the investigation appeared to be getting nowhere. Hopefully this second judge will be more effective and that there is a proper and thorough investigation into the scandal of and its two principals – Emeric Sauty de Chalon and Fabien Hyon. 

When 1855 was forced into liquidation it had debts of over 40 million euros and millions of bottles, many of them Grand Cru Bordeaux, that were never delivered to their clients.

There has long been a strong suspicion that Hyon and Sauty de Chalon have had protection in high places. It looks as though this may have continued. 

First two paragraphs of the RVF Report:

Affaire : le juge dessaisi,
l’enquête redémarre

Tournant décisif dans l’affaire, le président de la Chambre d’Instruction de la Cour d’Appel de Paris a décidé de dessaisir de son enquête le juge enquêtant sur le site frauduleux depuis 2015 pour la confier à une nouvelle juge qui va reprendre l'enquête.

Alors que depuis deux ans, l’enquête semblait s’enliser dans les méandres de l’inertie judiciaire (voir La RVF n°613 de juin 2017), l’affaire a pris un tournant surprenant et décisif, le 6 juin dernier, lors d’une audience intense de la Chambre d’Instruction de la Cour d’Appel de Paris.

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