
Tuesday 31 January 2017

2017 Millésime Bio 4 – Vinisud 0

Millésime Bio 30.1.2017

All the reports coming out of Vinisud suggest that the organisers of Vinisud made a bad mistake in deciding to go virtually head to head with Millésime Bio. These reports come from people who have been at both fairs. Apparently Vinisud (Sunday 29th to Tuesday 31st) had its busiest day on Sunday even though it was pretty quiet with people thinking that Monday would bring more visitors. This proved to be a false hope with even fewer visitors reported on Monday. In contrast Millésime Bio has seen a good crowd, except on the opening morning when security checks meant that it could take an hour or more to get in. The much smaller BioTop also attracted a good number of visitors on both its days – Monday and Tuesday.   

Whether producers who have paid for their stands and accommodation, unless they happen to live in or near Montpellier, will decide to go to the 2018 edition of Vinsud remains to be seen. 

La mort de Vinisud ? Vincent Pousson's take on Vinisud


  1. Having just spent three days at Vinisud, I can say it was well attended, a good mix of buyers from around the world, I gave 4 masterclasses - all completely full.

  2. Good that you found Vinisud full. However, that was certainly not the experience of a number of other people who had been at Vinisud and who reported that it was very quiet.
