
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Newtonmore: calm after Barbara and Conor leave

 CRM's Liv Obsess

 CRM off for a first proper spin on the Obsess

Today was the first time we have had a chance to get out on our bikes since we arrived in Newtonmore last Tuesday. First I was ill with a possible Norwegian virus picked up in Lisbon – a circular virus that appeared to get better and then only to return with a fresh virulence. It has taken a course of antibiotics and some steroids to knock it on the head. I'm rather impressed with the steroids and can see now why cyclists and other athletes taken then. Thinking I may have to go for a permanent prescription!

By the time I was recovering, storms Barbara and Conor, in particular, passed through bringing a considerable fall of snow yesterday, which has now largely disappeared and the wind has dropped. Time then to get on the bikes to enjoy today's good if cold weather. Fortunately the forecast is good for the rest of the week so a chance to get more rides in and start getting fit again.

Surely time to plan another charity ride in 2017. 

Fading light after a fine winter day

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