
Wednesday 4 March 2015

‘Champagne Jayne v CIVC: the Fizzical Battle Resumes’

An uneven battle ....

Graeme Lofts reports:
'The battle between Champagne Jayne and the CIVC (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne) resumed in Melbourne’s Federal Court yesterday (4.3.2015) with a long day of mediation. Jayne was unable to comment on the outcome so it seems that the media gag is still in place and that the matter is still before the court.'

However, it would appear that this second attempt at mediation has been unsuccessful and that at a date, as yet unknown, the case will return to the Melbourne Federal Court. Mediation was also tried around this time last year and again on that occasion it proved to be unsuccessful.   

'Jayne Powell, aka Champagne Jayne has spent many years of her life promoting and supporting the Champagne industry by educating and entertaining people from all parts of the world about Champagne. Despite her passionate efforts and support of the Champagne industry she is being sued by the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (the CIVC) for deceiving and misleading conduct.

As a result of this action by the CIVC, Jayne is being driven out of business and is being forced into bankruptcy. For well over a year Champagne Jayne has been desperately fighting a battle against this powerful, global organisation with an abundance of funding and an expensive team of lawyers.

Champagne Jayne’s supporters have now rallied together to create a fundraising campaign that will help pay the legal costs so that she can continue to defend herself against this outrageous behaviour of the CIVC. To read more about Champagne Jayne’s battle and support our fundraising campaign please go to' 

The fund currently stands at a rather disappointing $AU1,160. It would be good to see more donations from people who have criticised the CIVC’s heavy-handed action in pushing ahead with this court case.  

Jim's Loire is again indebted to Graeme Lofts for his report. 

It is highly regrettable that mediation has once again failed. Jim's Loire is in no way privy to the reasons for this failure or to any details of the mediation, with the parties are covered by strict rules of confidentiality. However, as it was the CIVC who embarked on this quite unnecessary case, I hope that they made a genuine effort to settle and did not continue their previous hard-ball tactics. 

I can understand their legal objection to Jayne Powell trademarking Champagne Jayne, although why Champagne Escorts in Milton Keynes is left untouched, while Jayne Powell is pursued for 'tarnishing the image of Champagne' is entirely beyond my limited comprehension. 

      Champagnes Escort Agency – apparently acceptable to the CIVC


  1. I like the mildly orange colour of your centurion's attire and I'm very fond of the appealing tawny skin of your upper champagne escort - not tarnished at all if you ask me.

  2. Get them where it hurts---STOP drinking Champaigne

  3. I agree entirely. I don't think I have drunk or tasted any Champagne since early November and don't intend to taste or drink Champagne until the CIVC stops this action. As far as I am concerned Champagne is a banned substance.

  4. Plenty of great prosecco, Cava and California Sparkling with producers who are not bullies with lawyers. I am done with Champagne

  5. About my position, Joanne although I would add sparkling wines from the Loire.
