
Friday 13 June 2014

Bandits of Bourgueil

Our car as it was found this morning 

Unfortunately our overnight stay in Bourgueil was rendered rather less pleasant as a bandit or a group of bandits broke into our car overnight presumably in the hope of finding some valuables. Fortunately we had removed anything of value from the car, so the thief or thieves gained nothing by breaking the driver's window.

We were not alone in having our car damaged as in all ten cars around Bourgueil were broken into last night. 

We were very impressed by the Bourgueil Gendarmerie who searched carefully for fingerprints and what they found will hopefuly help them to catch the Bourgueil bandits! We were particularly impressed by Gendarme Sandra Drogon not only by the careful search she made of our vehicle for clues but also by how professionally and courteously she took our statement making sure that we fully understood the process.   


  1. How sad ! Hope the insurance has been working well...

  2. Thanks Michel. The insurance seems to be working, so far.

  3. That is one of the things one never suspects in such a lovely village. Damned.

  4. Thanks Peter. Was a nasty surprise!

  5. We drove past your house today and noticed the car with a blanket over the door. I thought it must have been for shade. What a bummer!

  6. Thanks Susan. I did notice a fine Citroen passing! It is a pain in the arse especially as Autoglass, who are supposed to be replacing the window, seem be be hopeless or at least their French company is.
