
Monday 12 May 2014

The Loire frost-free in 2014?

Frost protection in Noble-Joué

Although budbreak was very early in 2014 it looks as though the Loire has very fortunately escaped frost this year. I know this is tempting fate but the Meteo France forecast shows no indication of temperatures over the next week to 10 days anywhere close to freezing. This is excellent news as a serious frost would not only wipe out part of the 2014 crop but also probably wipe out a number of producers, struggling financially with two short vintages – 2012 and 2013. It has doubtless been a long and anxious wait for producers since budbreak at the end of March/early April but they should now be able to breathe more easily, except fingers crossed that there is no hail!   


  1. Fingers crossed for no freak hailstorms too!

  2. Fingers crossed for no freak hailstorms too Jim.

  3. Yes mine are certainly crossed Cathy!
