
Tuesday 24 September 2013

1855 – is the fraud nearly over?

It looks possible that the 1855 group (now renamed Héraclés) may be coming to a well deserved sticky end as property (computers etc.) and wine belonging to the group was seized recently as reported by mybettanedesseauve (Michel Bettane and Thierry Desseauve). The small quantity of wine seized was auctioned this morning by auctioneers Drouot in Paris. It is not clear whether this collection of odds and sods – only two complete cases – was the entire stock of the 1855 group. If this was the case it certainly wasn't a Herculean task to remove it from 1855's offices at 10 Rue des Moulins, Paris. 2008 Connetable de Talbot (12 bottles) and 2007 Sociando Mallet (6 bottles) were the only two complete cases.

However, shares in 1855 are still trading on the Paris Bourse with shares changing hands in thin trading at 0.09€ each, valuing the company at 5.68€ million. 


  1. Wow! People cashing in on their Blackberry Shares can really pile in at that price!

    If you don't pay a speeding ticket in France within 14 days it doubles, but these people seem to have got away with it for a shade longer. Wonder why that is?

  2. Time to buy shares would you think ?

  3. Definitely after you Michel!

    The shares have been recently trading at 0.09€ each. This is 52.63% below the level of 6 months ago when they were 025€. I guess it depends on whether you think 1855 nay Héraclés will survive.
