
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Olivier Cousin (aka Jacques Vitelle) has been released from captivity in Colombia!

El Mundo Today reports that Jacques Vitelle, a Frenchman captured seven months ago in Colombia by FARC guerillas was released yesterday. However, in an hilarious mix-up the photo they have chosen for the story is a) of Olivier Cousin – a well-known producer in Anjou and b) it is my photo and it has been used without my permission and without credit. I will be sending a bill to El Mundo.  

Olivier Cousin@Real Wine Fair, London 21.5.2012
Not kidnapped in Colombia!! 
Photo copyright: Jim Budd 

Update: 20.00

El Mundo Today updated the story during the afternoon. I assume the photo is now the real Jacques Vitelle, who had the misfortune to be kidnapped by FARC in southern Columbia.

I have to wonder how El Mundo Today got the photo of Olivier Cousin mixed up and thought it was Jacques Vitelle. I haven't given anyone a copy of my photo of Olivier, so it must have been downloaded from my Jim's Loire blog. Was this done by El Mundo Today or did they obtain it from a 'photo library'? 


  1. Hello, it's Colombia, not "ColUmbia"
    Je voulais juste faire la remarque.

  2. Anon. Merci beaucoup. have corrected my error. Jim
