
Tuesday 22 June 2010

Postings on the Clos Roche Blanche vertical + wind farm protest in Anjou

Antoine Gerbelle (la Revue du Vin de France) and Bertrand Celce@the Clos Roche Blanche tasting

A couple of postings here about the Clos Roche Blanche tasting:
Bertrand Celce's take on his wine terroirs on the day

News of a protest against wind machine in Anjou
(from the blog of La Grande Maison)
That’s a protest in French. You might say it was a little too late after all the damn things have already been installed. But an email from an eager friend called us in to help swell the troops. After all imagine how you would feel if four of these 120m tall things had been installed above your roof!

There it is - the dreaded wind turbine or eolienne as they are known in France. A large lump of rotating metal that can be seen for 10’s of kilometers around embedded in an even larger lump of concrete. Metal that is slowly eating into the countryside under the ‘green guise’. Soon Anjou will be full of them if we don’t watch out. The promoters have plans for many more wind farms but the problem is there are only small groups in any commune prepared to fight against them.


  1. The CRB tasting was clearly a once-in-a-lifetime event Jim. I'm so disappointed not to have been able to attend, but thank you for the invitation all the same.

  2. On the B Celce blog your are the star of the blog.. How wonderful was this CRB vertical tasting...Houawww
    Did Moderation was with you?
