
Tuesday 16 March 2010

Jim's Loire: 100,000th visit landmark up

Saumur: sunrise

This morning Jim's Loire clocked up its 100,000 official visit. Official because although Jim's Loire was launched in late August 2008, we didn't add the site meter until the end of September 08, so we probably actually went past this milestone about a week or ten days ago. Total pages views are just under 203,000. We are delighted that we have so many visitors and have a number of regular and faithful readers.

Jamie Goode – 'the wine anorak phenomenon'

Although reading one of Jamie Goode's recent posts on his much visited Wine Anorak blog shows that these figures are strictly relative. jamie reports that his new blog clocked up some 750,000 page views in a month and that his previous estimate of 90,000 unique visits a month on his old site was apparently an underestimate. Not as stellar but my fellow bloggers, Hervé Lalau and Jacques Berthomeau, attract a very considerable readership. When I checked a few minutes ago Hervé's site totalled: 435,753 visits. I don't have figures for Jacques' site but I understand they are substantial.   


  1. Congratulations and well done. Blogging every day is quite a commitment. I learn something useful from you every week.

  2. Like in wine, quality is more important than volume. And thanks for citing me.

    Anyway, well done, Jim, yours is one of my favorite blogs, I like the variety and the "mordant" wit also.



  3. Thnaks Susan. I enjoy reading your blog, too.

  4. I always visit here after I have switched on and checked WLDG forum. A pleasing routine!

    Bob in Alberta

  5. Congratulations Jim. Your hard work is appreciated.

  6. Bob. Your regular visits are much appreciated. Hopefully will meet you in the Loire sometime when you can extract yourself, albeit briefly, from your Canadian fastness!

  7. Thanks Jean. It is not really hard work as I'm doing what I enjoy – a rare privelege!
