
Tuesday 2 March 2010

Bourgueil le concours de Saint Vincent 26 March 2010

2009 Cabernet Franc

This year the final of Bourgueil's annual wine competition – Le Concours de Saint-Vincent – will be held in Tours on the eve of Bourgueil's invasion of Tours on Saturday 27th. The organisers have decided to widen the range of judges in order to get a broader perspective and have invited journalists, sommeliers and others to be part of a super jury. I'm delighted to have been invited to be a judge.

Le Concours de Saint-Vincent judges Bourgeuils from the latest vintage, so these will be 2009. There are three categories: vin de garde (suitable for aging), vin de printemps (wines bottled young to be enjoyed young) and vin rosé.

Following the judging there will be a tutored tasting of Bourgueils from previous '9' vintages: 1999, 1989, 1979, 1969 and 1959. Périco Légasse, journalist, broadcaster and wine producer in Azay-le-Rideau, and probably Jacques Puisais ( will be commenting on the wines.

Glass, grapes and vineyards@roundabout to west of town of Bourgueil


  1. I'm really sad I can't go because of prior commitments, but I wish you a great tasting experience - dio give me tips on the best bottles - and save me a few...


  2. It's a shame Hervé. Still I look forward to the inside story on Limoux from you and Marc.

  3. We all expect some great tips Jim.


  4. Bob. Will see what I can do, although I was hoping to be able to pass these onto you when you were visiting Touraine!
