
Sunday 2 August 2009

Further weather update: Jean-Marie Bourgeois

Jean-Marie Bourgeois

Had a quick Skype chat with Jean-Marie Bourgeois this afternoon about the weather conditions. As reported previously mildew and other diseases have been a problem this year with mildew attacking both the vine leaves and the grapes themselves. They have also suffered some hail damage from frequent storms but nothing like as bad as Menetou-Salon, parts of which have been very badly hit. This year's harvest will again be well below average in quantity.

At the moment everything is in advance. If they have decent weather from now on Jean-Marie expects that the harvest could start between 15th and 20th September, which would be about a week to 10 days earlier than last year. On the other hand, of course, if it is cold and wet, then the harvest will naturally be later.

The hidden control room in the Bourgeois winery where the Bourgeois triumvirate: Arnaud, Jean-Christophe and Lionel met to plan their harvest strategy

J-M B: 'En ce qui concerne les vignes, comme tu sais il y à eu plusieurs petites grêle, qui ont fait des dégats répétitif, de plus nous avons beaucoup de maladies, mildiou des feuilles et des grappes! en fait la récolte sera vraissemblablement de quantité faible, entre moins 30 à moins 50%, quand à la qualité pas de souci, nous avons beaucoup d'avance, les vendanges devraient être précose! Ceci vaut pour Sancerre et Pouilly mais pas pour Menetou-Salon, là ou la grêle à fait de très gros dégats!!!!'

Jean-Christophe Bourgeois – i/c vinification etc. Tasting the 2008 red Sancerre from barrel


Jim's Loire is always happy to receive reports from producers throughout the Loire on the weather and how the vines are doing.

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