
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Demonstrating why wine isn't necessarily good for you!

Roger Kolbu (from Norway)@The Real Wine Fair

Roger demonstrating here that wine and wine tasting can have peculiar effects, especially if you are tasting in an underground bunker. It remains a mystery why The Real Wine Fair chose such an unnatural and non-wine friendly venue to show off natural wines. It is, however, undoubtedly well suited as a filmset for the remaking of the last days of Hitler hunkered down in Berlin or even a convention of moles.

If the protagonists of the two natural/authentic wine shows are keeping a tally, Isabelle Legeron and her RAW wiped the flor with the Real Wine Fair in terms of venue.


  1. Hervé Lalau23 May 2012 at 05:23

    Wipe the flor is an expression best suited to Sherry. Laspus linguae? I loaf it anyway.

  2. Flaw Hervé? Exactly there were some Vin de Voile wines@RAW.
