
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Very early April fool: 1855 joins Fevad (fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance)

 Château Brainaire-Ducru (St Julien): some 2004 and 2005s not delivered 

Incredibly it was announced on Monday that 1855 ( had become a member of Fevad (fédération du e-commerce et de la vente à distance). Some things just take your breath away – is this this really serious or has April 1st come early this year?

Fevad is supposed to give an assurance that e-buyers are dealing with reputable companies. Instead they have accepted 1855 ( that increasingly gives the appearance of being a fraudulent ponzi scheme failing in a substantial number of instances to deliver the en primeurs that their customers have ordered and paid for usually including the transport and tax when the wine is allegedly ready to be delivered.

The latest tally of undelivered en primeurs is 2810 bottles (234 caisses) worth an estimated 165,000€ for vintages from 2002 to 2007! Furthermore it won't be long before we discover whether there are similar problems with 2008 en primeurs.

The press announcement: 
'1855 est devenu membre de la Fevad, la Fédération des entreprises de vente à distance. La Fevad a pour pour mission de fédérer et représenter l'ensemble des acteurs du e-commerce et de la vente à distance, d'accompagner les entreprises et de promouvoir le développement du secteur.

La Fevad compte parmi ses membres les grandes enseignes de vente à distance, les principaux spécialistes de la vente sur internet (pure-players) ainsi que de très nombreux sites de e-commerce issus d'enseignes du commerce de détail, de la presse ou du luxe.


From Fevad mission statement (

La Fevad accorde depuis toujours la plus grand importance à la promotion de règles fondées sur des valeurs de transparence et de respect du consommateur. Ces régles garantissent l’éthique de la profession et permettent de renforcer la confiance des consommateurs, dans l'intérêt de l'ensemble de la profession.
La Fevad dispose d'un code professionnel, mis à jour régulièrement pour s’adapter aux évolutions technologiques et législatives, ainsi que d'une Charte de Qualité adoptée en 1996 et complétée en juin 2000. En 2005, la Fevad a adopté la charte de l’e-mailing élaborée dans le cadre de l’UFMD et approuvée officiellement par la Cnil. En 2006, elle a publié la Charte de Confiance des plates-formes de vente entre internautes signé par le Ministre du Commerce et les 5 plus grandes plateformes concernées.
Toute entreprise membre de la Fevad s’engage à respecter les principes généraux et les règles prévus par les codes et chartes de la Fevad, tant dans l’esprit que dans la lettre.'

Fom the professional code – an undertaking that the company has acccess to stocks of the items it is selling. Clearly this is not the case frequently not the case in respect to 1855's sales of en primeur.

'43. Disponibilité des articles
Les entreprises veillerontà indiquer de manière apparente que leurs offres ne sont valables que dans la limite des stocks disponibles,sauf si elles sonten mesure d'honorer la totalité des commandes. Pour le débutde la période de validité des offres de vente, les entreprises veillerontà disposer de stocks en rapport avec leurs prévisions.'

I urge all those still awaiting for their en primeurs and any other wins ordered from 1855 ( to complain to Fevad. I'm ready to let any journalist wishing to cover the 1855 scam have a copy of the file showing the quantity of wines outstanding.

If Fevad is a serious organisation, it is incredible that they appear not to have checked out 1855 ( properly before accepting their membership.


  1. Jim, you made such a great job with all that "affair"... That's a top gun thread to follow here, thank you ! (1855 never bothered or warned you btw ? They are used to that...)

  2. Antonin. Thanks. Such is the volume of correspondence between 1855.con and their clients that it would be difficult to deny.

    I trust that either Fevad insist that 1855 supply the outstanding wines to their clients or they expel 1855.

  3. Jim, I find your sustained courage and perseverance admirable, even if not surprising. A man with shirts like yours must have passed through more dire straits.
    Remember, though, that this aristocratico-financial circle is very much interconnected (trade, e-trade, press, large wine companies): once, they are the financial support; another time the sponsor; then again the propagandist. You may well find yourself in need of a lawyer, and won’t be invited to press events or tastings any more. Also check your car’s suspension regularly.
    Do you remember Jungle Book’s Kaa, the python ? The video of Emeric (see explaining how it all started for him reminds me of Kaa’s “Trust me!”.
    Good Luck and three cheers.

  4. did you get any answer or comment about your article concerning from the FEVAD?

  5. Aynard. I left a message on the Fevad website, so far I have had no reply to this or comment from Fevad. Will be snding a further message today.

  6. The best thing would be for evryone who has been cheated by these crooks to send a letter and copies of their bills to the Fevad. Hats off to Jim for his work here.

  7. Thanks Luc and David. No response from Fevad so far.
