
Wednesday 8 December 2010

Domaine Cady (St Aubin): portes ouvertes this weekend

Alexandre Cady with 2010 juice  – 27th September 2010

This very good family domaine in Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné is holding a portes ouvertes this coming weekend (Saturday 11th  and Sunday 12th).

Domaine Cady - Valette - 49190 St Aubin de Luigné
Tèl : 02-41-78-33-69 fax : 02-41-78-67-79
e.mail :


  1. Jim, together with my best friend, Dr Michel Ingels, I used to “manage” a small-scale wine club which imported some French wine to Belgium, in the early nineties, “Les Amis du Vin” (how original). Domaine Cady, in Valette, was a regular provider of lovely Chaume bottles, “Ouche” or something like that. But the gentleman (a Philippe ?) in charge was roughly my age (approaching sixty now, I suppose) and elegantly bearded. Is he Alexandre’s father?
    If that is the case, give them my regards.

  2. Luc. Philippe is indeed his father. Will try to remember when I will doubtless see them during the Salond des Vins de Loire.
