
Thursday 25 February 2010

From the fake to the vibrantly real! – Loire producers in London

The Loire@Saint-Satur near Sancerre

It is good to turn away from the tawdry scandal of the fake Pinot Noir in the Midi and look forward to the Thorman Hunt's tasting in central London on Tuesday 16th March. And to look forward to tasting wines from a group of producers who strive to achieve the best quality possible represented by a fine traditional UK wine importer who believes in establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with their growers.

Along with representatives from lesser regions of France, there will be a number of Loire producers to add brilliance to the occasion.

Loire producers present at this tasting will be:

Domaine Couly-Dutheil (Chinon) - Christophe Surget
Domaine Yannick Amirault (Bourgueil and Saint-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil) Yannick Amirault
Chateau de Villeneuve (Saumur and Saumur-Champigny) - Jean-Pierre Chevallier
Domaine de la Presle - Frédéric et Anne Sophie Penet
Domaine André Dézat (Sancerre and Pouilly-Fumé) - Firmin Dézat
Domaine Jean Paul Balland (Sancerre) - Elise Balland
Domaine des Hauts Pemions (Muscadet de Sèvre-et-Maine) - Christophe Drouard
Domaine de Closel (Savennières and Anjou) - Evelyne de Pontbriand
Domaine de Chevilly (Quincy) - Yves Lestourgie
Domaine Alain Cailbourdin Pouilly-Fumé) - Alain Cailbourdin
Domaine Vigneau-Chevreau (Vouvray) - Stéphane Vigneau

Thorman's dramatic sales force – Alastair Llewellyn-Smith (Phylloxera in Vinderella)

Thorman Hunt & Co Ltd
4 Pratt Walk, London SE11 6AR
Tel: 020-7735 6511


  1. Looks like a wonderful tasting Jim. Where is the event being held/is it trade only?


  2. Domaine Jean Paul Balland (Sancerre) - fantastic Sancerre with strong gooseberry and elderflower aromas. Visit Earle Wines site to buy
