

I have decided that it is right and sensible to declare assistance given to allow me to work as a drinks’ journalist. Details will be updated as and when.


Trips etc.

30th January-1st February: Salon des Vin de Loire
One night at the Hotel du Mail, Angers

30th January: Event and dinner at the cellars of Bouvet-Ladubay, Saumur including transport from and return to Angers. 

1st: May: Les Journées du Livre et du Vins. Lunch at Bouvet Ladubay, organisers of the event. 

31st May: Tasting and lunch in Nantes to choose Le Master 2010. Return train fare from Bléré to Nantes. 
22nd-24th September: two nights accommodation and breakfast at Hotel La Côte des Monts Damnés Chavignol paid for by the Bureau du Centre. Visit made during the harvest.

4th October: Vignobles et Signatures tasting in Paris. Return train fare from Bléré to Paris.

13th-19th October: 4th European Wine Bloggers’ Conference
Post conference Sunday trip offered by Franciacorta and three day trip to Chianti Classico offered by the Chianti Classico Consorzio.

2nd-5th November: Les 5 du Champagne trip November
Travel and accommodation expenses paid for by Alfred Gratien and Les Artisans du Champagne

9th November: Vacheron dinner at Hibiscus, London to present their terroir series 

24th-27th November: Trentodoc: press trip paid for by Trentodoc producers. Travel, accommodation and meals


Trips etc. 

21st-25th January: Millésime Bio, Montpellier. Press trip by fair’s organisers with travel, accommodation and meals

6th-8th February: Salon des Vins de Loire 2012
Interloire will be paying my hotel bill in Angers (Hotel du Mail: 3rd-8th) and will be organizing a tasting of 2007s from Bonnezeaux, Coteaux de l'Aubance, Chaume and Quarts de Chaume for Chris Kissack (The Wine Doctor) and myself at the Salon.

27th and 28th March: The Bureau du Centre paid for two nights' accommodation and breakfast at the La Côte des Monts Damnés in Chavignol on the occasion of a tasting of 2011s from the Central Vineyards + a light lunch at the hotel's Bistro on 28th March.


General declarations 

CRM and I pay for the majority of our travel and accommodation expenses in the Loire.

I receive many invitations to trade tastings mainly in London. 

During the course of my visits in the Loire and when I’m in the UK I receive a number of wine samples.

I’m a long-standing consultant for the RSJ Restaurant in London’s Waterloo. This mainly involves speaking at the regular tasting dinners at the restaurant, organizing trips to the Loire and posting on the RSJ blog – items from the restaurant as well as news from the Loire.